Digital Marketing

A strong and coherent presence on the online channels it is essential to bring to success the business of any company. Define and implement an online marketing and communication strategy it's a complex process that requiries a deep reflection and sometimes a strong change in the style and business communication manner.

Thanks to its experience Interlem is able to support your company in the design and evolution of your digital strategies.
Interlem offers a complete range of services oriented to the small and medium Italian enterprises that need a partner able to lead them into the digital world.

What do we do?


(Search Engine Optimization)

Improve the position of your website in the organic results of search engines.

  • Content optimization
  • Original content creation
  • Keyword analysis and management
  • Meta tag optimization
  • Link building
  • Social Media Integration
  • Blogging


(Search Engine Marketing)

  • Google AdWords
    Pubblish dynamic advertisement related to users' researches
  • Google Shopping
    A showcase for your products directly between Google's results
  • Google AdSense
    Host related advertisement on your website and monetize the results
  • Google Remarketing
    Follow your website guests and propose them custom advertisement while they surf the Internet


Social Media Content Management
Manage your pages' content, create engagement, increase your community.

Social Media Campaign Management
Create and manage Facebook and Instagram campaigns to increase your brand awareness, to strenghten its identity or push your e-commerce sells.


Direct E-Mail Marketing

Organize and manage e-mail campaigns to reach new and current clients

Digital Video

Conquer the web with viral and funny contents that will drive your fans crazy.

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe