Industrial Machinery & Building Material

The B2B (Business to Business) markets impose to act always at the limits of the present technology in order to offer to the clients, which are prepared and demanding, products and services satisfying their expectations.

Industrial components, machineries, tools, constructions and engineering are only some of the sectors in which Interlem has developed a know-how and competencies such strong that transformed us in the ideal partner for all of the companies that want to put themselves on a path towards innovation and new technologies.

Discover all of our solutions

Thanks to the ability to understand the market and the needs of its clients, Interlem developed a set of technological solution and software able to answer to the need and requests of your company.

Some of our clients

I.M.V. Presse
TTI - Techtronic Industries Italia

Salini Impregilo


Success Stories

Gewiss: Simplifying the selling data analysis

Gewiss, leader company in the planning and realization of home automation services, had the need to improve the selling data analysis, with a particular focus on some KPIs. In Interlem Gewiss found the perfect solution for its needs.

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Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe