News and Events

Upcoming Events

20 October 2022 | Superstudio Maxi | Milan

Interlem at SAP NOW 2022

Welcome to Economics Park

Back in attendance on October 20 SAP NOW. The annual event, organized by SAP Italy, dedicated to the business community that will sell the participation of entrepreneurs and managers, opinion makers and industry experts. It will be a large park of innovation, in which Digital Transformation, Sustainability and Competitiveness will be closely connected.

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Webinar November 10, 2022 at 2.30pm

The Intelligent Factory

MES and SAP, a winning interconnection

JA modern MES must have a series of minimum features to make it possible to manage production for the canons of Industry 4.0. The two fundamental elements are: the bidirectional connection with the machines and integration with business systems such as ERPs.

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Webinar November 24, 2022 at 2.30pm

Move to SAP S/4HANA

Accelerate and simplify implementation with certified methodologies and tools

Join our Webinar and find out what methodologies and tools are that ensure your company can manage a smooth transition to SAP S / 4HANA.

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Past events

Supply Chain: how to solve the 5 main problems

Three successful business cases

Learn how a smart planning system can solve the five main supply chain problems, helping you reduce data processing time and focus on more value-added activities and leaving behind the spreadsheets.

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SAP for the After Sales management

Increase customer satisfaction by automating and optimizing the entire process

How, thanks to the SAP solution, you can manage the entire after-sales service cycle; from the customer to the service centers, from the claim under warranty and not, to the sale of spare parts.

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Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe