Free Live Webinar - Thursday 2 December 2021 at 2.30pm
SAP for the After Sales management
Thanks to the SAP solution you can manage the entire after-sales service cycle; from the customer to the service centers, from the claim under warranty and not, to the sale of spare parts.
Increase customer satisfaction by automating and optimizing the entire process

Growth in productivity and sales volumes are objectives common to all sectors but the real long-term performance indicator is customer satisfaction, not only from a qualitative point of view but also in terms of reliability and durability. of the final product and for this it is of fundamental importance to manage the field claims.
Reducing the costs of processing complaints, automating the management of claims, improving customer service and seeking opportunities to improve operational efficiency and profitability are the main challenges facing manufacturing companies..
During our Webinar you will find out how the SAP solution allows automatic monitoring of products / services during the warranty period, reimbursement of service and out-of-warranty claims costs, confirm whether the problem highlighted by the customer is under warranty or not, define the effects on prices and billing.
The session will focus on the Warranty Management scenario and will deal with the following topics:
- Management of the entire warranty process, from the relationship with the service centers to the processing of the complaint, to the supply of spare parts to the request for reimbursement for maintenance carried out under warranty or maintenance contracts
- Integration with all SAP modules, sales, logistics, quality management, assistance, finance and control
- The SAP Fiori interface
- Product Demo on Warranty Management