
Cybersecurity, IT Services, Infrastructure & Cloud

R-Cyber is the Interlem Group company specialized in cybersecurity issues and was born from the experience of over twenty years, in the field of System Integration, with the aim of safeguarding the data of people, companies and supporting the growth of a digital world.

R-Cyber is able to provide you with a range of complete, integrated and coherent services to address all aspects related to cyber risk management, from the identification of threats and vulnerabilities, to risk quantification, planning, design and implementation of related technological countermeasures.

R-Cyber also provides system assistance services in the Windows and Linux fields, cloud infrastructure and technology rental and sales solutions, supporting customers in selecting the most suitable technologies for each specific need.

R-Cyber helps you free your corporate resources from managing the structure, improve performance by guaranteeing simple and functional tools to work effectively and in harmony.

With R-Cyber we think that, today more than ever, cybersecurity must be at the center of corporate strategies and once again confirms the target plan identified for the development of InterlemGroup in the coming years which aims at the continuous strengthening of skills as well as the search for all those synergies that allow us to continue organic growth and to extend our presence to important customers in a market in which we have been protagonists, with continuity and success, for over 20 years now.

Massimiliano Riva President of InterlemGroup

Faced with a constant growth of cyber attacks, cybersecurity has become an investment priority and companies must develop a long-term strategy and make it an important building block for their business. R-Cyber wants to be the point of reference in technologies and services for defense against cyber attacks and for the diffusion of culture and training in the cybersecurity field. We work alongside companies with innovative technologies and specific skills to support them in strategic digital transformation processes.

Alessio Raja CEO of R-Cyber

Strategies and skills for cybersecurity

Thanks to the experience gained in the sector, our team of consultants is able to support organizations in the implementation of strategies for assessing potential risks.

Informatics support

Cloud & infrastructure

Thanks to the experience accumulated over time, we help you to centralize all services in a CLOUD infrastructure by connecting all offices
and sharing both data and services in an absolutely secure way.

Operational rental

One service for all business tools

R-Cyber offers an operational rental service model for a wide range of products and technologies.

We help you choose the best technology and type of product that best suits your needs, supporting you in managing the entire life cycle,
so as to improve the productivity of your employees and the efficiency of IT.

Contact R-Cyber

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe