Business Case

Analytics for Data Privacy in Banking

A control system for the respect of privacy in the financial sector

The Guarantor for the protection of personal data is an independent administrative authority established to ensure the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms and respect for dignity in the processing of personal data.

On 12 May 2011, the Authority issued Regulation 192/2011 concerning "Requirements for the circulation of banking information and the tracking of banking transactions" in order to indicate the specific requirements in relation to the processing of personal data of customers in accordance with the Privacy Code (196/2003).

Thanks to SAS solutions, Interlem has designed a new Analytics model that ensures compliance with the 192/2011 legislation regarding the processing of consumer data by banks.

The developed system allows financial operators to:

  • Collect and collect data that must be tracked according to the regulations (log)
  • Maintain and maintain logs of applications that can track consumer data
  • Receive alerts and reports about access or abnormal behavior on customer data
  • Obtain a system of analysis and report tools able to allow the audit operations by the Guarantor

The developed system tracks the operations performed by users on more than 70 applications able to store and/or process data considered sensitive by the legislation. For each application are identified the operations which are allowed and alert systems are set up to alert the management in case of abnormal activities.

Technologies: SAS Enterprise Guide

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