Success Story

Sapio Life, a company of the Sapio Group, operates in the health sector as a partner of the National Health System: home care and hospital services are the main areas of activity. The Sapio Group, thanks to its production units, commercial subsidiaries and a network of more than 50 subsidiaries, guarantees a widespread presence throughout the country and abroad in France, Germany, Slovenia and Turkey.

Sapio Life has chosen Interlem to take care of customer relations and activate the business of Home Health Services

The need to have a single portal to manage all the demands of the health market has led the SAPIO Group to introduce Hoasis

In order to face the challenge of home health services, private health companies must equip themselves with tools able to manage relationships, upstream, with actual customers, namely the Asls in particular and the National Health Service in general, and downstream with the actual users of services, namely patients and citizens.

For this reason Sapio Life was looking for a unique and integrated tool able to manage the entire process of delivery of health services at home from the insertion of requests by customers up to invoicing and administrative management of performance. Interlem Hoasis (Home Health Care and Assistance Information System) is a web-based solution that governs the provision of an increasing number of healthcare services (VTD, OTD, NAD, HDD, ADR, ADI, ADIAI) to facilitate the administrative and operational management of activities.

Benefits achieved

Thanks to Hoasis, Sapio Life has been able to:

  • Makes operational performance management effective
  • Improves relationships with Clients
  • Meet the informative needs of patients (more than 20,000)
  • Facilitate the work of operators in the area
  • Manage and archive clinical documentation
  • Monitor the storage of devices

Technologies: Interlem Hoasis

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe