
Ticket Yield Management System

Yield Management is a bunch of techniques and tools that allows Companies to optimize pricing in order to saturate available capacity. Revenue Management is essential in all those industries with hard supply, high fixed costs, low variable costs, products' perishability.

Tymas (Ticket Yield Management System) is the Interlem's Suite for Revenue Management developed for Hospitality, Arts and Entertainment industries and in all those industries connected to ticket selling, such as: Cinema, Stadium, Congress Center, Parking, Sporting Club.

One pricing for each ticket

Yield Management is a multistep process that must be continuously repeated and becames part of "go to market" approach. The ideal steps are:

Data Collection

Data Collection





Price Optimization

Price Optimization



Key elements of the Platform:



The Predictive Analysis engine allows to forecast day-by-day the future demand for each location, movie theather, parking or tennis court. Forecasting is based on time series analysis that are then joint with an events calendar (new movies, sport events, expo) that interests the business area.


Price Optimization

Tymas will suggest your day-by-day pricing for intraday and real-time price optimization or can help you to plan your pricing strategy over the seasons or the year. It helps you to better evaluate promotion or events effect on your sales and available capacity.


Thanks to Tymas, you can:

Better understand your customers
Satisfy all customers segments
Maximize sales and revenues
Manage demand fluctuations

Our Vertical Solutions

Tymas Suite has been customized for specific industry or market:


Parking Yield Management System

Pymas is the vertical solution for the parking industry based on the Tymas Suite. Pymas can be adopted by all the operators that manage a relevant number of parking slots: airports, exhibitions, theme parks, car park chain in urban areas. The solutions is based upon a powerful Predictive Analytics tool used to determine the dynamic pricing of the parking slots.

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Some of our costumers

SEA – Aeroporti di Milano: pricing dimanico dei parcheggio con Pymas

SEA – Aeroporti di Milano: Pymas, the parking yield management tool

Yield (revenue) management is a set of techniques aimed to optimize the profitability of the companies through the revenue maximization and saturation of the available capacity. Milano's airport chose Interlem to build a dynamic pricing tool for their car parking.

Learn more ›

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
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ACI Europe