
Parking Yield Management System

First developed in Boston in the far 1898, the parking industry reached in the United States of America a turnover of 30 billion of US dollars. The main innovation that concerns this sector in the last decades is the dynamic and effective price management through yield management techniques.

Fully exploit the potentialities of your car park

Pymas is a yield management program that allows a sophisticated pricing management for car park companies. Pymas can be adopted by all the operators that manage a relevant number of parking slots: airports, exhibitions, theme parks, car park chain in urban areas. The solutions is based upon a powerful Predictive Analytics tool used to determine the dynamic pricing of the parking slot.

The solution is based upon two fundamental pillars: the allotment mechanism and the dynamic pricing.

The Allotment Mechanism

The allotment mechanism has the aim to forecast the quantity of parking slots that can be given to the different selling channels of the company.

Through a complex Predictive Analytics model, Pymas is able to predict the future demand keeping in account many elements, such as the selling time series, seasonality and the relevant events that may interest the parking user base.

The Dynamic Pricing

Once the future demand has been defined, the solution supports the management in the punctual definition of the parking slots pricing.

Pymas is able to keep into account the available capacity, the demand's fluctuations, the diverse kind of car park's client, and even the pricing used by the main competitor of the area.

Thanks to Pymas you will be able to:

Some of our costumers

SEA – Aeroporti di Milano: Pymas, the parking yield management tool

Yield (revenue) management is a set of techniques aimed to optimize the profitability of the companies through the revenue maximization and saturation of the available capacity. Milano's airport chose Interlem to build a dynamic pricing tool for their car parking.

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